International Conference to promote a resolution of the conflict in the Basque Country

The International Conference for promoting the resolution of the conflict in the Basque Country took place at the Peace House in Donostia-San Sebastian on 17th of October 2011,  promoted by diverse international and local entities:

– Berghof Foundation

– Conciliation Resources

– The Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation


– International Contact Group (Basque Country)


Representatives of Basque and French political parties, trade unions, Church and businessmen made their contributions at the Conference, and the following international prominent figures brought their experience, knowledge and direct involvement in peace processes and conflict resolution:

Kofi Annan. Former United Nations Secretary Genereal.

Gro Harlem Bruntland. Former Prime Minister of Norway and member of The Elders.

Bertie Ahern. Former Prime Minister of Ireland.

Pierre Joxe. Former Minister of Interior and Defense of the French Republic and former president of the Socialist Group in the National Assembly.

Gerry Adams. Leader of the Sinn Fein.

Jonathan Powell. Tony Blair was not be coming because of the demands of his work in the Middle East and has asked Jonathan Powell to come in his place to represent him.

As a result of the discussions, an important declaration was made public by the international leaders.

Read the declaration

Read the remarks by Kofi Annan 

Read the speech of Jonathan Powell