Press release, 22nd of September 2011

The International Contact Group met in San Sebastian and Bilbao

The International Contact Group (Basque Country) met on the  21st and 22nd of September, in San Sebastian and Bilbao. The aim is to continue the work to promote, facilitate and encourage the achievement of political normalization.

A major part of the ICG’s discussion was focused on the issue of victims and the group reiterated its view that all parties should acknowledge and empathise with the suffering endured by victims of violence, as an integral part of resolving the conflict.

The members of the ICG also addressed the following issues:

1. The process of establishing an international mechanism for verification of ETA’s ceasefire.

2. The legalization of all parties that reject violence, which the ICG considers as an important step to ensure equal participation in democratic life. The legalization of Sortu would contribute to political normalization, in particular in the context of the forthcoming elections.

3. The conviction of the leaders of Abertzale Left in the Bateragune case, which the ICG learned of with disappointment. The ICG, respecting the due process of law, awaits with concern the further developments in the appeal process.

While in San Sebastian, the ICG met at the House of Peace, which has been designated as a centre for peace activities and has been made available by the mayor of San Sebastian, in consultation with other previous mayors whom the ICG met



22nd of September, 2011